Thursday 31 August 2017

How To Make Your Own Organic Apple Cider Vinegar!

In this article we will show you the best method we've ever seen for making your own organic Apple Cider Vinegar. It might just be the easiest recipe we've ever shared on Organic&Healthy!

What Are You Going To Need?

Yep, you guessed it..the main ingredient is Apples, and as always, get them organic! We can't stress enough the benefits of going organic and using 100% organic produce in your Apple Cider Vinegar. You'll also need a knife, surely you can find one of those in the kitchen! You'll need to find a big jar, empty it and clean it and you're pretty much set. We're going to ferment the mixture for quite a while to give us a whole lotta bacterial goodness!

 The Secret Is In The Apples...


This recipe calls for whole apples. Organic whole apples. 
We're about to make something that has so many incredible health benefits...Why would we taint it with harmful chemicals hidden within non-organic produce from pesticides and fertilizers?
In reality, you can use any part of the apple that you have. You'll be happy to know that you can make ACV using just scraps like the cores and peels. Yep, you can eat your apple and ferment it too. So if there’s any apple pies baking in your near future, make sure you keep those scraps and put them to good use.

It's also good to remember that the fermentation process is dependent on the season – less during summer and a bit longer during colder months. 

You will know your vinegar is ready when you will notice a dark, cloudy bacterial foam – this is called the Mother and can easily be noticed when holding the vinegar to light. This is bacteria we love and cherish! Because it’s full of enzymes and minerals that over-processed vinegars do not have.

Homemade Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar.

Prep time: 5 mins
Total time: 2-3 months

·                   3 small organic apples (core and peel included, no stem)
·                   3 tsp raw fairtrade and organic sugar (we used muscavado) filtered water to cover



1. Wash and chop your apples into medium sized pieces (or use the peels and cores of 6-7 small apples after making a pie). Place them in a clean, rinsed and sterilized wide mouth jar.

2. Mix the sugar with 1 cup of water and pour on top of the apples.

3. Add more water if needed to cover the apples.

4. Cover the jar with a paper towel or a cheesecloth and secure it with a band. This keepsbugs and pests away while letting the liquid breathe.
5. Place the jar in a warm, dark place for 2-3weeks. In your pantry is fine
Now It's Time To Ferment!

1. After the mix has been left in a dark place for about 3 weeks, strain out the liquid and discard the apple pieces.
2. Return the liquid to the same jar and cover it again (same paper or cheesecloth).

3. Return the jar to the same warm, dark place and leave it to do its thing for roughly 4 to 6 weeks, stirring with a plastic or wooden spoon every few days or so. We’ll be honest with you, we weren't that organised with our stirring (oftentimes forgot), but the vinegar still lovedus!

4. After the first 4 weeks, you can begin to also taste your vinegar and once it reaches an acidity you like, you can actually transfer it to a bottle with a lid and begin using it.

5. When you clean and sterilize your jar, please make sure you rinse the jar well to avoid having residue soaps or anything. This can spoil your brew.

And there you have it, your very own Apple Cider Vinegar! How easy was that?
Tips To Improve Your Batch:

The jar needs to be sterilized prior to use and if it has small indentations on the bottom that you cannot thoroughly clean (as ours did), we prefer to pop it into a bpa free plastic zip lock bag. We then cover the entire set up with cheesecloth and secure it with a band. You can also use a small plate if it fits or a cup – anything you can thoroughly clean and sterilize that will keep the apples submerged.
Bubbles mark the start of the fermentation process.

The white scum that forms on top of your ferment is good. It is a natural outcome of the fermentation and it is what forms the mother in few weeks time.

Any other scum of any other color (green, blue, grey, black) is not good.  Generally we woulddiscard it and feed the apples to the compost. When bad mold is on any type of food, it’s good to know that it is not located only where you can see it with the naked eye. It has the ‘magical’ power of spreading very well and fast and infesting it all. Safe is to discard, learn from your mistakes and try again with a new batch. If you are a beginner, start with a very small batch so not to be sorry if something goes wrong.

We used a stainless steel sieve to strain the apples and it is in contact with the ferment for very brief time. We didn't notice it affecting the fermentation process at all. However, for the stirring that we need to do more often, we would recommend a plastic, wooden or ceramic spoon.

If you enjoyed reading this article and want to see more recipes like this one, we'd be humbled if you would help us spread the word and share it. Join us in our quest to promotefree, useful information to all!

Tuesday 29 August 2017

How to Make Your Own Peanut Butter

Peanut - Butter - Recipe
If you've never actually made peanut butter yourself, you might not quite understand just how ridiculously easy it really is. Peanuts go through a few transformations on their way to becoming spreadable and delicious peanut butter. At first, the mix will look crumbly and dry at the bottom of your food processor, but don't be put off, let the blender continue to work its magic and it will soon start to resemble heavenly peanut butter.

After about three minutes of blending, you might be tempted to stop and reap the rewards of your labor - but we recommend that you keep on going. The reason for this is that in the next minute or two, something magical happens. What was perfectly good peanut butter before suddenly becomes that little bit smoother - the stuff dreams are made of.
Just so that your expectations are not too high, you should be aware of the fact that homemade peanut butter will never be as smooth as the commercially prepared stuff. To make it as smooth as possible you can add some oil (peanut oil or another oil) and use a powerful blender or food processor. Toasting the peanuts before use also helps as this warms the oils within the nuts and helps everything blend together more easily. Furthermore, toasting the nuts gives your peanut butter a deeper and richer flavor.
How to Make Homemade Peanut Butter 

Makes about 1 and ½ cups.
  • 2 cups (16 ounces) raw, shelled peanuts (see Recipe Notes below)
  • ½ tsp. kosher salt, plus more to taste
  • 1-2 tbsp. peanut oil or other oil (optional, for creamier peanut butter)
  • 1-2 tbsp. honey or other sweetener (optional, for sweeter peanut butter)
  • Optional add-ins: 1-2 tbsp. cocoa powder, ½ tsp. cinnamon or other spice, handful of chocolate chips, a few spoonfuls of Nutella
  • Baking sheet
  • Food processor or blender
  • Spatula
  • Container with lid
1. Heat the oven to 350°F and toast the peanuts on a baking sheet until they are golden brown and glossy with oil - should take around 10 minutes. You can skip this step if you have decided to make raw peanut butter or if you're using pre-toasted peanuts.
2. Transfer the peanuts into your food processor or blender. If you toasted your nuts, make sure to do this while they are still warm. If you want to make chunky peanut butter, remove ½ cup of chopped nuts and set aside.
3. Blend the nuts continuously for 1 minute. Stop and scrape down the sides and bottom of the bowl. At this stage, the peanut butter will look gritty and dry.

4. Blend for a further minute, then stop and scrape down the sides. At this point the butter will have started to clump together. It isn't quite peanut butter at this stage, but it's definitely getting there.

5. Blend the mixture for another minute, then stop and scrape down the sides. The mix will now be glossy and soft, like very thick peanut butter.

6. Sprinkle the salt, oil, sweetener, and any other extras over the top of the peanut butter.

7. Continue to process the butter until it completely smooth. As mentioned earlier, homemade peanut butter will always be more gritty than the commercially bought stuff, but it should be spreadable at this point. Taste, and add more salt or other add-ins if you feel that they are needed. If you reserved some nuts for chunky peanut butter, add them now and pulse a few times to mix.

8. Scrape the peanut butter into some sort of storage container, cover, and refrigerate. The peanut butter can be used immediately and will keep for several weeks if kept in the fridge.
Source: thekitchn

It makes sense! An easy way to clear mucus from lungs.

Wrapped Ginger - Removes Mucus From Your Lungs In One Night And Cures Bad Cough.

Sneezing and coughing can be extremely aggravating if you just can't seem to get them to go away. It can ruin plans, and even whole days or even weeks. Being miserable with a cough is understandable so here's how to get rid of it naturally. 

Trying to sleep with a bad cough doesn't usually go so well. Small children especially can be influenced by a cough, since they have weaker immune systems. 

If you have cough, your doctor will probably prescribe you a cough syrup, since most of them think it is the best solution for cough. However, they do not tell the parents that the pharmaceutical solutions can have negative effects and long-term complications.

Headache, sleeplessness and migraine are the most common negative effects which may occur as a result of the therapy. The two most common ingredients which are found in the cough syrup are dextromethorphan and codeine.

You should have in mind that natural ingredients which contain raw honey or same other potent ingredients are more beneficial. Try the combination of ginger wrap and honey, and prevent consistent cough immediately.


• 1tablespoon of fresh ginger or ginger powder
• raw honey
• olive oil
• flour

You will also need adhesive tape and gauze. 

Here's What To Do:
– First, perfectly combine the honey and the flour.
– Put in some olive oil and then add ginger. Mix it again.
– Put the resulting mixture on a napkin and then wrap a gauze around it.
– Fix it on your chest or back with an adhesive tape.

In case you prepare the ginger wrap for a kid, he/she should hold the wrap for about three hours before going to bed.

Adults can hold it overnight. But, you must know that ginger wrap will make you sweat more than usual.

The ginger wrap has not got any negative effects, but it must be prepared carefully, especially for children, because they have a more delicate skin.

Saturday 26 August 2017

Mosquitos and Me!

Take Vitamin B1 And You Will NEVER Get Another Bite From A Mosquito Again!

“mosquitoes seemed to love me and only me at parties” there was a solution!
It doesn’t, however, change the way you smell to other humans, so don’t worry about smelling like old bread around your friends. then taking Vitamin B1 could be your saving grace.

Vitamin B1 (also known as thiamine) is an essential vitamin your body needs. It can be found in foods such as yeast, oatmeal, brown rice, asparagus, kale, liver and eggs and is important in fighting stress and boosting immunity.
As one of the water-soluble vitamins, any excess that your body doesn’t use gets flushed out when you urinate, so there’s no need to worry about taking too much.
What’s incredible about the relationship between Vitamin B1 and mosquitoes is it has the potential to change the way you smell to the little buggers. Those with enough Vitamin B1 in their systems tend to smell “yeasty” to mosquitoes, making them unappealing to bite.

There was a time when mosquitoes seemed to love me, and only me.  But now they simply ignore me as far as possible. I have never taken ‘thiamine’ or vitamin B1, or many of the food items mentioned above, but since a few years, almost everyday, I take two eggs (one of the food items mentioned above). Till I read this article had no reason to associate the aversion of the mosquitos for me and eating the eggs. You be the judge.

Friday 18 August 2017

A simple package for back pain!

SALT and OIL: medicinal mixture … you will not feel pain for several years

Cervical osteochondrosis is difficult. However, it can be treated. I suggest you try a very interesting recipe. After its application, you will not feel pain for several years.

It is a mixture for massage that is prepared of with unrefined vegetable oil and salt (you can use sea water).
Medicated mixture is prepared once for the entire course of medication. You will need: 10 tablespoons of salt, 20 tablespoons oil (olive, sunflower).
The medicinal compound for the treatment of osteochondrosis.

Mix salt and oil in glass bottles. Close. After a few days you will get a light mixture.
Every morning should be lubricated with a vigorous massage, on the cervical vertebrae in places where you feel pain. The first massage should last for 2-3 minutes, every day adding another 2-3 minutes, eventually bringing the massage time to 20 minutes. After finishing the massage, wipe the neck with warm cloth.
In implementing such procedures it may be caused minor skin irritation. Therefore, after the end of the massage, wipe the skin with a dry cloth and sprinkle with children’s powder.
10-day treatment course will stimulate blood circulation and improve muscle regeneration of cartilage and bone tissue. The results are most visible after 8-10 procedures.
It restores blood flow in the neck area of the spine, headaches disappear and it improves vision. This is linked with the fact that the body is free from the toxin, which in turn normalize metabolism.
In the process of cleaning you may feel a little sleepy or dizzy. But it does not happen often. As a rule, the treatment of osteochondrosis in this way runs without side effects, and provides excellent results.
When rubbing this mixture you can practice self-massage of the neck.

Wednesday 9 August 2017

The Miracle Fruit

 The carambola fruit, or often called “star fruit”, due to its shape, originates from the Malayan peninsula and is also grown in the southern United States, Southeast Asia, the Caribbean and Latin America.
This fruit is yellow in color when ripe, and its taste is a mixture of sweet and sour and resembles the flavors of grapes, pear,and citrus fruits. This combination makes it unique and popular among people.
However, despite its specific taste, the carambola fruit also provides amazing health benefits. It is very low in calories, only 31 in 100g, and is high in antioxidants, vitamins C and B, riboflavin, folate, niacin and minerals such as calcium, manganese, iron, zinc, and potassium.
These are some of the incredible health benefits of this fruit:

Regulates hypertension
Sodium is the strongest weapon against blood pressure, and the star fruit is low in it but is contains high amounts of potassium which regulates blood pressure. The regular consumption of this fruit will treat hypertension.

Lowers cholesterol
Due to the high fiber content, the carambola fruit promotes heart health and reduces the levels of bad cholesterol. Bad cholesterol leads to clogged arteries and thus causes heart attacks. On the other hand, the consumption of the star fruit will increase the HDL levels or good cholesterol.

Strengthens the immune system
This fruit is rich in vitamin C which strengthens immunity and prevents various viral diseases, like common colds, influenza, and the like.

Improves sleep and treats insomnia
Magnesium is extremely helpful in the case of insomnia and disturbed night sleep, and the carambola fruit is high n this mineral. Hence, its consumption will help you improve sleep and get the proper rest.

Helps digestion
Th fiber in the star fruit improves digestion, as it clears the intestines and bounds high amounts of water, fighting constipation. Its consumption after heavy meals will improve digestion and prevent digestive issues.

It is beneficial for the skin
This fruit promotes skin health due to the high flavonoid content. It also prevents diseases like atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, and the zinc in it treats acne.

Proper fetus development
The carambola fruit is rich in folic acid, or vitamin B9, which is extremely useful in the case of pregnancy. The folic acid is vital during the first months of gestation, and it is essential for the healthy development of the neural tube and the brain of the baby.
Its regular consumption after the delivery aids the formation of breast milk.

Controls diabetes
This fruit is amazing for diabetics as it is low in sugar. Moreover, the fiber in it will balance the blood sugar levels during the day, as it will prevent fast glucose absorption from the gut.

It has antimicrobial action
Studies have shown that this fruit effectively fights infections caused by E.coli, like Staphylococcus Aureus, Salmonella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella.

Improves eye health
Since it is rich in vitamin A, this fruit improves the health of the eyes.

Despite its numerous health benefits, this fruit should not be consumed in the case of kidney diseases, kidney dialysis, or kidney failure, as it is high in oxalic acid and carambola. If takes in these cases, it may cause confusion, nausea, and vomiting.
Also, you should consume it carefully if you take medications like opiates, statins, or benzodiazepines, as it contains substances which may interfere with these drugs, similarly to grapefruit.

Friday 4 August 2017

Good-Bye White Hair. Here is popular tip!

Leave This On Your Hair For 5 Minutes And Never See White Hair Again!

In general having white hair is one of the biggest aesthetic problems concerning men and women both. It usually affects the self-confidence in people that affect further in life.
So that’s why people often try different treatments. Cosmetic products can be found almost everywhere but usually they are loaded with chemicals and they are not long term solution.
Sadly that more and more people among 30 years old are affected with this problem.  The factors are numerus but the solution is the best to be natural and not to harm our health.
Searching online I found one ancient recipe that can darken the grey hair.

Ingredients, Preparation and Instructions:
  • Take 5-6 medium potatoes and peel them
  • Put the rinds in a pan with two cups of water. Reduce the heat on low after the water has warmed up leave the pan and boil the solution for another 15-20 minutes. Then remove the pan from the stove.
  • Wait to cool down and use a big bowl to strain the water and remove the rinds.
  • Store the water in a glass bottle and close the bottle hermetically.
  • You can add few drops of essential oils like rosemary or lavender for better smell.
  • Wash your air as usually with shampoo and conditioner. Grey hair needs to be hydrated because normally is drier.
  • Use the potato rind water to apply onto your hair by massaging. Careful do not rinse the hair.
  • Dry and brush your hair as normally you do.
  • Repeat the treatment every day or 2-3 times a week for couple months.
  • The results are not visible after the first treatments so please be patient.

(Note: This article is from healthy life magazine pages. However, using the recipe shall be at users risk only)