Saturday 26 August 2017

Mosquitos and Me!

Take Vitamin B1 And You Will NEVER Get Another Bite From A Mosquito Again!

“mosquitoes seemed to love me and only me at parties” there was a solution!
It doesn’t, however, change the way you smell to other humans, so don’t worry about smelling like old bread around your friends. then taking Vitamin B1 could be your saving grace.

Vitamin B1 (also known as thiamine) is an essential vitamin your body needs. It can be found in foods such as yeast, oatmeal, brown rice, asparagus, kale, liver and eggs and is important in fighting stress and boosting immunity.
As one of the water-soluble vitamins, any excess that your body doesn’t use gets flushed out when you urinate, so there’s no need to worry about taking too much.
What’s incredible about the relationship between Vitamin B1 and mosquitoes is it has the potential to change the way you smell to the little buggers. Those with enough Vitamin B1 in their systems tend to smell “yeasty” to mosquitoes, making them unappealing to bite.

There was a time when mosquitoes seemed to love me, and only me.  But now they simply ignore me as far as possible. I have never taken ‘thiamine’ or vitamin B1, or many of the food items mentioned above, but since a few years, almost everyday, I take two eggs (one of the food items mentioned above). Till I read this article had no reason to associate the aversion of the mosquitos for me and eating the eggs. You be the judge.

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