Friday 8 September 2017

A small solution for your memory problems!

Memory problems are becoming increasingly common, and medication seems to be the only way to fix it. Have you ever wondered how you could naturally treat memory problems?
“We wanted to build on our previous research that indicated rosemary aroma improved long-term memory and mental arithmetic. In this study we focused on prospective memory, which involves the ability to remember events that will occur in the future and to remember to complete tasks at particular times this is critical for everyday functioning,” said Dr. Mark Moss, one of the study conductors.
A series of tests were performed including one where the test subjects were placed into a room with a diffuser filled with four drops of Rosemary essential oil. After the amount of time, the subjects were asked to perform certain tasks including one where they were instructed to find certain objects and hand said objects over to instructors at a certain time. The results showed that the subjects placed into the rosemary scented room performed on the prospective memory tasks than the placebo group.
“These findings may have implications for treating individuals with memory impairments. It supports our previous research indicating that the aroma of rosemary essential oil can enhance cognitive functioning in healthy adults, here extending to the ability to remember events and to complete tasks in the future. Remembering when and where to go and for what reasons underpins everything we do, and we all suffer minor failings that can be frustrating and sometimes dangerous. Further research is needed to investigate if this treatment is useful for older adults who have experienced memory decline.”
Rosemary breaks down acetylcholine, a chemical found in the brain. This potentially allows nerve cells to communicate better with one another,
Rosemary has been linked to memory throughout history. Shakespeare said it best in Hamlet,” There’s rosemary that’s for remembrance: pray, love, remember.” It is also said that the Tudor house Of England believed Rosemary to enhance memory.

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