Monday 2 October 2017


Papaya Leaf Juice – Health Benefits:
There are dozens of reasons that you may want to try papaya leaf juice, and here is just a short list of the amazing things it can do.
Blood platelet production: first, you should know that maintaining a high number of blood platelets is extremely important after a serious illness, especially with diseases like dengue that cause blood platelets to drop to dangerously low levels. A recent study has found that papaya leaf juice significantly increases blood platelet production.
Supports the liver: due to its very potent cleansing effect of papaya leaf juice for the liver, it is the basis of healing for many chronic diseases, especially of the liver, such as jaundice, liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.
Prevents diseases: you should also know that the papaya leaf juice contains acerogenin that may be used to prevent many dangerous diseases, including malaria, dengue, and cancer. This supports the immune system and naturally fights viral and bacterial invaders in the body.
Boosts energy levels: Papaya leaf juice does such a good job of cleansing and healing that drinking it daily can help improve your energy levels and help you get started on the day more quickly. It could possibly be helpful for improving chronic fatigue.
Supports your digestive systems: these super healthy leaves also contain papain, chymopapain, protease and amylase enzymes that are helpful in properly breaking down proteins, carbs and helping with digestion. Individuals with digestive disorders may find this juice healing and help regulate the digestive system. This very potent antimicrobial juice reduces inflammation of the stomach lining and heals peptic ulcers by killing harmful bacteria such as the H. Pylori bacteria.
Minimizes inflammation: we all know that inflammation is a common side effect of illnesses and allergies. The anti-inflammatory properties in papaya leaf juice is helpful for reducing inflammation, and possibly also reduce chemotherapy side effects.
Regulate menstruation disorders: you should also know that drinking papaya leaf juice may reduce PMS symptoms and possibly regulate menstruation cycles due to its very potent healing properties that balances hormones.
Protects cardiovascular health: the powerful antioxidants in papaya leaf boosts the immune system, greatly improves blood circulation, dilates vessels and protects heart health from stroke and diseases.
Naturally lowers blood sugar levels: this super healthy juice also improves insulin sensitivity that helps regulate blood sugar levels. The high antioxidants content is helpful to decrease the secondary complications of diabetes such as fatty liver, kidney damage and greatly reduces oxidative stress.

The experts say that there are several ways to consume papaya leaf juice.
First, you can make papaya leaf juice – well, if you have a juicer, you can simply put the (cleaned) leaves through your juicer to extract the juice. It’s very simple – juice and store away a small bottle of the juice in the fridge to be consumed within 4-5 days. You can mix it with your regular juice for it to be more palatable. But, if you don’t have a juicer, a blender might do. Crush about 10 leaves and put into your blender with a cup of pure drinking water. Blend the leaves and strain out the juice using a cheese or muslin cloth. And, be very careful, because papaya leaf juice is very bitter and extremely potent. Start with only one tablespoon a day and work up to a maximum of two tablespoons a day, if taking for therapeutic purpose.
Or, you can make a tea infusion – here’s what you need to do: you should use about 10 medium-to-large leaves to about two liters of water (about two quarts). Boil the leaves in the water till it’s reduced to about half the quantity. Leave it to cool, discard the leaves and consume in small doses as needed. The tea may be stored in the fridge for up to 5 days, but drink it as fresh as possible to benefit from its nutrients. You can also consume the leaf e extract – the experts say that papaya leaf extracts are available as capsules, tea leaves and tincture. Be sure to choose non-GMO and organic extracts as papaya is mostly GMO in the U.S. Here’s a good place to buy quality papaya leaf extract. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to share!

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