Saturday 30 July 2016

Drink To Your Health: A Resource Of Medicinal Uses Of Tea

All about Tea - An informative article published in

Tea drinkers know that there are many benefits to drinking tea, and one of the primary benefits is medicinal. Teas are a decent source of health benefits and of alternative, medicinal uses. Some different kinds of tea are black tea, white tea, green tea, oolong tea, Pu-erh tea and various types of herbal teas. Black tea features more oxidization than either white tea, green tea or oolong tea. White tea only has slight oxidization and comes from China’s Fujian province, while green tea is made from camellia sinensis, and oolong tea is known as a traditional tea that’s made from a method known as withering. Pu-erh tea is a type of post-fermented tea that one can find in China’s Yunnan Province, and herbal teas are not even real tea as they are mere infusions of plants or herbs.

Green Tea
Green Tea
Green tea comes from China and is made exclusively through the leaves of the plant called camellia sinensis that have gone through only slight oxidation during the tea processing. In recent years, green tea has enjoyed a degree of popularity in the West, which is interesting because black tea is the most common type of tea consumed in Western countries. Green tea has been subjected to a number of tests over the years to determine if rumors of its reported health benefits are dependable. Research has confirmed that there is evidence to indicate that green tea helps in lowering the chances of developing heart disease as well as specific kinds of cancer. According to a recent study from Hong Kong, green tea may also aid in staving off eye diseases like glaucoma.
  • Overview of Green Tea: This website provides people with a look at the medicinal qualities of green tea.
  • Flavor and Green Tea: This website features a news article that discusses how green tea impacts one’s sense of flavor.
  • Benefits: This website provides information on a study that found health benefits associated with green tea.
  • Leukemia: This website features a report that talks about the effects of green tea to lower the incidences of cancer.
  • Autoimmune Disease: This website has information on green tea and autoimmune disease.
  • A Look at Green Tea (PDF): This document takes a look at details of green tea.
Black Tea
Black tea is tea with particularly strong oxidization, meaning that, in contrast with less-oxidized teas like white and oolong, it has a strong flavor and greater caffeine content. Black tea is also different from green tea in that it actually keeps its flavor for several years, while green tea only keeps its flavor for up to a year. According to research from Boston University from 2001, drinking black tea alleviates endothelial vasomotor dysfunction. Endothelial vasomotor dysfunction is traditionally seen in patients who suffer cardiovascular disease. Black tea also has a reputation for having high antioxidant properties.
White Tea
White tea is only lightly oxidized tea that is both harvested and grown primarily in China’s Fujian province. Made from camellia sinensis, white tea has been found to have a role in lessening a person’s likelihood of dying from cardiovascular disease. White tea has this property because of its polyphenol antioxidants that work towards lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and bad functioning of the blood vessels. Additionally, it is thought that white tea’s antioxidants may contribute to boosting the immune system.
  • Benefits of White Tea: This website provides people with information on some benefits of white tea.
  • White Tea Details: This website features brief information for people who are interested in the properties of white tea.
  • Health Properties: This website offers information on health properties, like the antioxidant levels within white tea.
  • White Tea Explained: This website provides information on why people think white tea is wonderful.
  • Osteoblast Proliferation (PDF): This document includes details on the relationship between white tea and osteoblast proliferation.
  • White Tea vs. Green Tea: This website provides pros and cons of white tea in comparison to green tea.
Oolong Tea
A traditional Chinese tea, Oolong tea is created by way of a unique process that relies on both withering under the sun as well as regular oxidation. The leaves of Oolong tea are formed in separate styles. Some leaves are wrapped and curled into small beads while others are rolled into leaves that are curly and long. Oolong tea has been credited with providing tea drinkers with a number of health benefits, which include helping against inflammatory disorders, heart diseases, and high cholesterol levels, while promoting advantages like good dental health. It has low caffeine content and provides mental relaxation in those who drink it.
  • History: This website features a history of how Oolong tea is produced in Asia.
  • Diabetes: This website offers information on Oolong tea and how it relates to Type II diabetes.
  • Weight Loss: This website provides information on how Oolong tea can help people lose weight.
  • Oolong Tea Explored: This website offers information on Oolong Tea and its role in Chinese culture.
  • Is Oolong Tea Healthy?: This website offers information that examines how healthy Oolong Tea really is.
  • Oolong Tea Information: This website provides details on many aspects of Oolong tea.
Pu-erh Tea
Made in China’s Yunnan province, Pu-erh tea is made through post-fermentation, which is a way of producing tea that sees the tea leaves going through a microbial fermentation process once they are rolled up and dried. Pu-erh tea is a specialty in China and is, therefore, sometimes referred to as dark tea. This type of tea has a reputation for reducing the blood cholesterol levels in a person, and this has been verified in a few scientific studies. In Chinese culture alone, Pu-erh tea is thought to counterattack the bad effects of alcohol consumption.
Herbal Tea
Herbal tea, also known as ptisan or tisane, is really a plant or a herbal infusion that is normally not created from tea bush leaves like camellia sinensis. In most cases, herbal tea is nothing more than the mixture of dried fruits, herbs, flowers and boiling water. Medicinally, herbal teas have a reputation for being drunk mainly due to the properties of sedation, relaxation and stimulation. Another reason that people like to drink herbal tea is their therapeutic applications, which has a lot to do with the antioxidant properties of herbal teas.

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