Tuesday 26 July 2016

Planning to buy a chimney. Please read this review - Rajeev Kohli

Different types of chimneys

Hi Friends,
This is Rajeev From New Delhi.I have a very good experience in home appliances. I have worked for retail industry for almost 4 years & almost 3 years is with the appliances industry.Chimneys as far as everyone knows is used to eliminate the smoke from ur kitchen.
Electrical chimneys is not a very concerned topic for all of us because most of us including me don't use it.we have all those conventional fans fitted in our kitchens.Basically chimneys work the same way as a exhaust fan but they work in a more organised way.u can get a chimney for Rs.2000/-(the basic ones) & also for Rs.1 lakh(the hi-tech ones).Basically the most selling chimneys range from Rs.4000/- to Rs.25000/-.MY PERSONAL SUGGESTION: ALWAYS GO FOR A BRANDED ONE AS U WILL SURELY NEED AFTER SALES SUPPORT.LOCAL ONES NEVER HAVE A AFTER SALES SUPPORT SO PLEASE DON'T WASTE UR MONEY.
Now i'll start from the requirement part:An average indian home will need a basic chimney with hood or without hood depending on their requirement.
Let me tell u the only difference between a chimney without hood or with hood is that the hood makes the chimney look good.but basic part is that both of them will surely need a PVC pipe for exhaust purposes. So if u have a built in hood at home or a place which can hide the PVC pipe then the chimney without hood would do for you.the hood chimneys do have style in them but they r more practical for bigger homes as they have more suction power.it doesn't depends how big ur family is but it depends on how big ur house or apartment is.An apartment with 1-3 rooms can do with a chimney of 500m3/h suction power.maximum would be 650m3/h.
An apartment with bigger rooms & more than 4 rooms surely require more suction power as their kitchens will also be big.the more spacious kitchen u have the more suction power is needed.a chimney with 650m3/h to 1000 m3/h would do for them.the best fitment would be 800m3/h for them.
The maximum suction power for a chimney without hood can be within 250 m3/h to 650 m3/h & The Hood ones would be from 500m3/h to 1600m3/h.
Sizes range from 2Ft to 3 Ft depending on the size of the gas stove or hob.Normally a 2 burner or a 4 burner would require 2 Ft chimney whereas a 3 burner or a 5 burner would require a 3 Ft one.Basically a Chimney should cover the entire gas stove so as to get effective work.
Now About the Brands:
Today there a lots of brands available in the market - from local made to chinese & italian ones. Some manufacturers claim there chimneys to be italian whereas they r local or chinese make.most of the chimneys which r hoodless r made either in india or china the rest with hoods can be made in india, china or italy.
Now Last but not the least:There are 2 types of filters available.
1) CONVENTIONAL ALUMINIUM CASSETTE FILTER: Basically used by all the brands.easy to use & wash but needs to be cleaned every 15-30 days.(Depending on Usage).Can be clened in Soapy water.For best results use a washing powder like ariel or surf excel because they take out the dirt & grease easily.avoiding regular cleaning can ruin their life.Stays best for 2-3 years.don't go on a salesman's word.cheaper in costs.
2) BAFFLE FILTERS: Hyped as the most modern technology as does not requires frequent cleaning.Baffle filters were introduced by Faber in india. Can be cleaned every 4-6 months.Now comes the worst part.as they are made of steel they are very heavy.Needs to opened but its very tough for a normal person.only a trained technician can open it without injuring his hands.Faber's baffle filters are easy to open but the filters inside have steel thorns in them which again can injure ur hands while washing.They also are expensive & again need to be changed every 4-5 years not because they get damaged but because they get rust beacuse of all the dirt & grease.remember they are made of steel not aluminium & steel is made from iron.*
Most of the consumers prefer going for casstte type filters as they are better & cheaper.
At Last my favourite brand:-KAFF.(but please don't go by my choice but go on the practicality)
Whenever Buying a chimney look for Better Suction Power, Pricing & Filters.All other features as per your convenience & Budget.
& I think After reading my review it will be more easier for u to decide on what to buy & what not to.
Do Like it, Rate it & Comment on it if you like my review.

Rajeev Kohli (Curtsy- http://www.mouthshut.com/)

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