Monday, 19 June 2017

Scaring mosquitos made simple!

Wouldn’t you rather use a natural repellent instead of those smelly old chemicals to repel mosquitoes? Then the lemon grass is the plant for you.
What is lemon grass?
Used in many ways for its lemon-like fragrance. lemon grass is long thin plant native to Asia. It can grow up to six feet tall and is a very eye-popping sight.
How to use lemon grass
In order to ward off mosquitoes, lemon grass having a lovely strong fragrance should be placed around your yard, walkways, and near seating areas. You can even tear blades of the lemon grass off of the plant and wrap them around your finger tips to make it secrete cream that will repel mosquitoes when rubbed in various places on your body.
Lemon grass is also a great alternative for people who have a problem with the deet chemical repellant. (Deet chemical repellents can cause rashes, swelling, and eye irritation.)
Therefore, lemon grass is the best way to keep mosquitoes away naturally. It won’t hurt your children if they accidentally ingest it like its chemical rivals that consist of most store bought mosquito repellants. Unlike its chemically made rivals it has no side effects, besides a nice smell and even privacy if you happen to grow lemon grass close together it can even serve as a fence to keep nosy neighbors away.
Lemon grass can be found in most plant stores and even online, so why not invest in some so you won’t have to buy mosquito repellent at all this summer?

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